When Freedom of Speech Goes Wrong..

I heard about this twitter account originating from Kuwait by what calls herself (Fatima Al Jahra’a) calling for an atheist future and challenging the existence of God.

The story might sound repeated and the idea was copied by several I’ve heard of. Though I spent a good amount of time going through her tweets and her answers, and her interactions with other tweeps. To me, it’s clear she’s seeking some sort of bizarre attention, but it makes you wonder, what would be the purpose of using such a topic to get famous? How old could she be? And what kind of background does she have? Coming from ‘Jahra’ one of the most conservative areas in Kuwait.

Her statements are very contradicting, and her profile pictures says ‘Thank God I’m an Atheist’. She does not attack Islam per say, but any religion who believes in God or some sort of worshiped symbol.

When I first heard of it, I was being asked to report the account and help block it, and it made me think, aren’t we at the time when most of us the new generations are calling for ‘freedom of speech’? well, here’s an example of a living case. Can we handle it? Or do we stop when we hear something that is not to our liking?

For me, believe it or not, I was never a believer in such a case..At least not when it comes to speaking of certain topics. I believe when your opinion starts offending the other it does not become your freedom to speak anymore! Not in the sort where you don’t care or you have no purpose, unless they could retaliate, an eye for an eye, isn’t it?

I’d rather be sitting with a group of people and discussing whatever we want with reason and respect. But going public for no purpose like that is not something I’d support. I ended up reporting the account, hoping it would work and be removed.

Take a look at some of what’s being said, or visit the Fatima Al Jahra’a on twitter to see more. Would you report it? or are you a true supporter of ‘Freedom of speech’ no matter how far it goes?