Ne-Yo <3 A Look From The Inside

Alright guys, let me start by seying..It was truly a once in a life time experience!! LOVED IT! and had an AMAZING time with Neyo, Wataniya, and my friends 😀

As I mentioned in a previous post, I won with Wataniya Telecom a pass to spend a whole day with NeYo and experience his debut in Kuwait, and be one of the few to ‘Live it First’!!

It was by all means a great experience, amazing people, wonderful music, and fun, fun, fun!!

I’ll leave you now with the pictures to give you a closer look..from the inside 😀

I arrived Sahara Resort to the press conference, where other winners, bloggers, and media were there..NeYo was answering lots of questions, and when someone asked him about his greatest achievement, he said, that he recently became a father!! Cuuuute! He autographed and took pictures with us before he left.

Then, the organizers took us to get a closer look on the preparation of the set up for the concert at night! Looked great..didn’t know it was gonna actually look as amazing as it did when it was ready! 😀

After we were done, we were escorted in Hummer Limousines to our next stop..Al Mayyas Restaurant, at al Bidaa area..where we went to have lunch with NeYo!

We were asked not to take pictures during lunch..Wellll, I did..I’m not gonna share them though, for the courtesy of Wataniya Team..But, let me tell you one thing, I took looooots of pictures that will definitely be added to my celebrity album! 😀

Now, the real fun began..We hit The Avenues..and Ohhh Myyyy Goood!! People were going nuts! Screaming! Crying! Singing! It was GREAT!

People ran after him to the exit..surrounded his car all the way to the main road!!

The team of HUGE bodyguards! They might not look so big in the picture cause they’re all of the same size! 😛

This is how the set up looked when it was ready! Wonderful! It really was! The weather, the set up, the ambiance, the music! Just perfect!

Party neccessities.. 😛

Waiting for Ne-Yooooo!


Thank you Wataniya, Backstage, Universal, and of course NeYo! for the wonderful experience! It was a great day! Well organized, special, and Fun..JUST PERFECT!

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